Tiedote: Kunnaneläinlääkäreille marraskuussa valtakunnallinen Eläintauti nautatilalla -tapausharjoitus

EnviroVet toteuttaa yhdessä Eläinten terveys ry:n, Ruokaviraston, aluehallintovirastojen, Helsingin yliopiston, MTK:n ja Suomen Eläinlääkäriliiton kanssa kunnaneläinlääkäreille suunnatun tapausharjoituksen eli interkalibroinnin marraskuussa 2023.

PRESS RELEASE 10.10.2023


EnviroVet Oy has been granted funding from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the food control quality management project in Ukraine. The funding is for two years.

In the project, a quality management system suitable for the authorities under the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine will be prepared. To ensure the functionality of the planned quality management system, some slaughterhouses will be audited, emphasizing both animal welfare and meat hygiene. As a background work, the current state of the food safety and veterinary care sectors in Ukraine is investigated.

The quality management system created in the project is based on the EU control regulation (2017/625).

The regulation requires the authorities to carry out audits of their own operations, systematic and verifiable quality management and documented procedures.

The description of the current situation, the recommendations based on it, and the quality system to be built support Ukraine’s EU readiness and harmonize supervision.

The project also increases the implementation of good governance in Ukraine and employs local operators.

Additional information:

Outi Lepistö, DVM, PhD, Specialist in Public Health Care

Bachelor of Administrative Sciences

phone +35845 895 7705


Press release 10.10.2023

EnviroVet Oy has been granted funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the food control quality management project in Ukraine. The funding is for two years.

Tiedote 10.10.2023

EnviroVet Oy:lle on myönnetty ulkoministeriön rahoitus elintarvikevalvonnan laadunhallinnan hankkeelle Ukrainaan. Hanke on kaksivuotinen.